9504 Van Wyck Road Lancaster, SC 29720

Property Site: https://tour.corelistingmachine.com/home/5DN45R/9504-Van-Wyck-Road-Lancaster-SC-3931266
Are You looking for the perfect get away with over 38 acres? No Hoa. Can be subdivided and redeveloped land. Are you looking to build a small apartment or subdivision? Are you looking to build a private residence? This is the perfect location. Less that 15 minutes from the city of charlotte. Lots of shopping and plenty to do. High desire part of town. Have the country outdoors, close to city life. Low SC taxes.
Bathrooms: 0.00
Price: $2,100,000

For more information about this property, please contact Jamie Young at 803-960-1668 or jamieyoung@sellstateexecutive.com. You can also text 7744256 to 67299 (Message and Data Rates May Apply, see terms and privacy policy).

See more listings at: https://jamieyoung.sellstateexecutive.com

MLS ID: 3931266


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