Maximizing a Homeowner's Chance to Sell
Recent policy changes made by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) have shifted the dynamics of buyer's agent compensation, prompting sellers to reconsider their strategies. Many buyers, especially first-time homebuyers, have limited savings and may struggle to cover additional costs beyond the down payment, closing costs, and other expenses associated with purchasing a home. Mortgage lenders typically do not allow buyers to include agent fees in their loan amount, meaning buyers must pay these fees out-of-pocket, which can be a significant financial burden. Requiring buyers to cover their agent's compensation, as opposed to the traditional seller-offered model, exacerbates affordability issues and limits many buyers' ability to purchase a home. To maximize market appeal and facilitate a quicker sale at full market value, sellers should strongly consider offering buyer's agent compensation. Increased Buyer Pool : Offering compensation to buyer...